The Newbury Masonic Centre ...
... is the focal point for Freemasonry in the Newbury Area.
The Newbury Masonic Centre has been the regular meeting place for the Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope since 1961 and is the focal point for Freemasonry in the Newbury Area.
There are 4 other Newbury Craft Lodges that meet at the Newbury Masonic Centre, all of which are related to Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope No. 574, they are:
Theale on Holybrook Lodge is a daughter lodge of Aldermaston Lodge No.2760. Aldermaston Lodge was founded in 1899 and is a daughter lodge of Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope. So, Theale on Holybrook Lodge might be considered as a grand-daughter lodge of Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope.
The Lodge Warrant from Grand Lodge is dated 21st March 1850 and bears the signature of the Earl of Zetland, Grand Master, with its original number 839. This number lasted until 1863, when Grand Lodge carried out a general renumbering to close gaps and it became 574.
In 1919 immediately following the cessation of hostilities of the 1914-18 war, the founders of Victory Lodge thought it fitting that their Lodge should commemorate the triumph of the allied forces by choosing the name Victory.
Founded in 1947, St Bartholomew actively endorses and respects that individuals come to Masonry for a variety of reasons and recognises this through support for their brethren in their Masonic journey.
In the late 1950's a number of Freemasons who met in Newbury but lived in Thatcham started to hold informal rehearsals in Thatcham. This grew into the idea of forming Thatcham Lodge which was eventually consecrated on the 31st of October 1966.
The geneses for the formation of a Lodge associated with the village of Theale was mooted in 1974 by a number of masons who were members of The Aldermaston Lodge.